Saturday, November 24, 2012

Final Paper Idea

I am very excited to dive into this final paper assignment and investigate form and perform an analysis of the fictional conscious in Pride and Prejudice. I will be evaluating how the narrative functions in Jane Austen's novel in terms of the complexity of the fictional consciousness and "levels of intentionality". I will be utilizing Lisa Zunshine's "Theory of Mind and Experimental Representations of Fictional Consciouness" as a guide for how I should assess the narrative and throughout my paper I will be citing examples of multiple levels of the "levels of inteionality" Zunshine refers to in her essay. I am also going to evaluate how Pride and Prejudice operates within the context of cognitive science, just as she explains why the reader would be "afraid" of Mrs. Dalloway. I hope to lay forth a thorough argument that is backed up by the text, Zunshine's essay and other sources.

1 comment:

  1. This looks like a great start. Austen does a lot with representing different characters "mind-reading," and embedding multiple levels of intentionality. A fantastic source. Will look forward to what scenes you'll choose, how you think Austen is representing these levels—i.e. how you'll focus in & narrow, but this is a great start and very interesting... Zunshine has another article in Style that might be helpful which I think you can find on JSTOR. Quoting from memory, but it's called something like: "Why Jane Austen was Different and Why We Might Need Cognitive Science to See it." best, NP
